Family Type Affects Treatment Effectiveness for Anxiety in Youth with Autism
Jonathan Lai
This online article summarizes a research study which investigated how family dynamics predicted the effectiveness of cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) for youth with autism. The researchers classified families of youth with autism as uninvolved (low relationship, low control), authoritarian (low relationship, high control), indulgent (high relationship, low control), and authoritative (high relationship, high control). Youth with autism in authoritarian families had more anxiety to begin with, but responded well to cognitive-behaviour therapy, whereas youth in uninvolved families had lower anxiety to begin with and responded more slowly to treatment.

The Autism Spectrum Disorders Treatment and Care Research group, based out of York University, writes summaries of research studies on autism and developmental disabilities to inform parents, individuals with autism, practitioners, and the general public on recent findings about autism.
Family Support
Mental Health
Chair in Autism Spectrum Disorders Treatment and Care Research
12/30/2022 7:35 PM EST