Guidelines for Educating Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Virginia Department of Special Education
These guidelines provide a comprehensive framework for educating students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). They cover foundational competencies, characteristics, diagnosis, educational definitions, special education processes, accommodations, medical interventions, assessment frameworks, curriculum, educational interventions, important considerations, and professional development. Topics include social development, communication, daily living activities, academic performance, sensory processing, behavior patterns, early intervention, assistive technology, educational environment, personnel, instructional strategies, behavioral assessment, program evaluation, collaboration, family involvement, and professional training.
"These guidelines are intended to serve as a resource primarily for educators, but may also be helpful to parents, medical professionals and other providers when they are making informed choices about the education of students with ASD. While these Guidelines address students from infancy through early adulthood in the school setting, it is recognized that this is a lifelong process.
Recommended Use of the Guidelines:
Educators, family members and practitioners are encouraged to use this document as a resource when creating educational programming for students with ASD, recognizing that all services must be tailored to the individual. The adoption of a particular recommendation must be made while considering the unique needs of the individual and the present circumstances. [Document]
Virginia Department of Education
3/22/2024 12:11 PM EDT