Exceptional Social Skills Program
James Burden, Exceptional Speech and Language Services
Service Provider
Registered Speech Language Pathologist
To provide group social skills support by a Speech Language Pathologist that combines a number of evidence-based approaches designed to help children age 7-12 learn to develop frienships and get along with peers in group environments.
A weekly 12-week online group therapy program, focused on children aged 7-12 who are able to speak in full sentences, that includes a number of evidence-based approaches including: Social Thinking(TM), Everyday Speech (TM) social skills videos, Story Grammar Marker (TM), Centervention (TM).

The online group format allows for a convenient, safe, and gentle way to practice social skills without the stress that sometimes comes with in-person groups. It begins with individual sessions to get to know each group member, and then groups are formed with members most likely to work well together. Parents can be involved as much or as little as works for each group member. Strategies are provided for parents, as well as a report that can be sent to school-based teams and other professionals on the home team.
Services Offered:
Speech Therapist
Therapies|Social Engagement
Age Range:
School Age (5-18)