Clinical Counsellor
Sarah Iannone Counselling
Service Provider
Registered Clinical Counsellor #18333
First Nations Health Authority Vendor #10479-1
Masters of Counselling; City University at Seattle
Bachelor of Arts (Communication and Journalism); SUNY Albany
Additional Trainings in Cultural Safety, FASD/ Neurodiversity, Narrative Therapy, Mindfulness, Sexuality and Suicide Support
Upcoming: Options Sexual Health Educator Certificate
Sarah provides Clinical Counselling to kids, young adults, and adults. She loves working with folks who identify as Neurodiverse and on the Autism Spectrum. Sarah views counselling as a collaborative process and believes in each person’s natural ability to gravitate towards change. She recognizes that connecting authentically through a counselling relationship in a safe(r) and inclusive environment is an essential part of realizing healing. She hopes that through this relationship building and therapeutic process, clients can feel safe enough to unmask and be embraced as their full selves.
Sarah is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) #18333 with the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors. She provides Clinical Counselling services to kids, young adults, and adults who are Neurodiverse and on the Austism Spectrum. She has experience as a counsellor working in non-profit, outreach, school and online settings where she supports adults, youth, and kids of all genders, orientations, and many life experiences.

Sarah recognizes that connecting authentically through a counselling relationship in a safe(r) and inclusive environment is an essential part of realizing healing. She strives to nurture that connection with all her clients.
Mental Health
Age Range:
All Ages (0-100)