Inclusive Programs for All Ages
This World's Ours Centre
Service Provider
See website for Service Provider credentials for each program/therapy offered.
"Our mission is to provide quality programming and support to families with neurodiverse children or children who require additional support. We offer a safe, inclusive and supportive environment that is family-focused. Lifelong curiosity, learning, and enjoyment for all are the cornerstones upon which our programs are developed. We aim to provide the support that your family needs in one location and offer access to a variety of service providers.
Our philosophy is to make you and your family feel welcomed and a valuable part of our community." [Website]
This World’s Ours is an inclusive centre in Vancouver providing a safe, social space and a variety of programs for neurodiverse children and families. Programs include an after-school club, adult programming, family programming, day camps, birthday parties, workshops, and access to a variety of service providers that can support your child and/or family.

Services offered include the following therapy: Art Therapy, Behavior Consulting, Counselling, Life Coaching, Music Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, and Speech & Language Pathology.
Services Offered:
Art Therapist|Behavior Consultant|Occupational Therapist|Recreation for Adults|Recreation for Children|Social Skills Trainer
Type of Recreation:
Arts and Music|Camp|Community Recreation|Sports and Gymnastics
Spring (March to May)|Summer (June to August)|Fall (September to November)|Winter (December to Ferbuary)
Therapies|School-Age|Recreation & Sports|Family Support|Early Years|Behaviour Support|Autistic Adults
Age Range:
All Ages (0-100)