Multidisciplinary Clinic
ABLE Developmental Clinic
Service Provider
"Our associates are private practitioners who are fully licensed to practice within their respective disciplines. They share a common interest in developmental problems of children and a willingness to work as a team to address the more complex problems of individual children and youth." [Website]
"ABLE Developmental Clinic Inc. is a private multidisciplinary clinic providing assessment, treatment and consultation for children and youth experiencing difficulties with Attention, Behaviour, Learning, and Emotion." [Website]
Provides private autism and psycho-educational assessments, behavioural consultation, speech and language therapy, and counselling.

ABLE Clinic has three locations in the Metro Vancouver area: Surrey, Richmond and West Vancouver. Social Thinking, Fearing your Fears and Sibling groups are ran at the West Vancouver clinic.
Services Offered:
Behavior Consultant|Behavior Interventionist|Cognitive Behavior Therapist|Diagnosis|Play Therapist|Social Skills Trainer
Family Support|Sensory Issues|Social Engagement|Therapies|School-Age|Diagnosis & Assessment|Behaviour Support
Age Range:
All Ages (0-100)