Therapeutic Social Skills Summer Camps
Speak Easy Communication & Education
Service Provider
Lynne LeBrun is a Social Thinking® Educator and Presenter at the 8th Annual Social Thinking® Global Providers Conference (2015). All groups are supervised by a Registered Speech Language Pathologist.
Speak Easy Communication & Education offer private speech therapy services for all ages and special education consulting across Vancouver Island. [Website]
Therapeutic Social Skills Summer Camps for children ages 4-16. Themed camps will be provided weekly for different age groups, with each camp consisting of 4-6 children per group. These camps will focus on core and advanced Social Thinking®
concepts. The individualized weekly camps will also include Executive Functioning strategies to help your child develop skills including time management, planning, and organization.
Services Offered:
Social Skills Trainer|Speech Therapist
English, French
Social Skills|Therapies
Age Range:
All Ages (0-100)