Alternate Education and Behaviour Intervention
New Heights Autism Support Society (NHASS)
Service Provider
"We provide a safe, homeschool environment for your diverse thinker"[Website]
"The AEP Program is a homeschool hub in a small, curated classroom environment. It is offered to children with a variety of diverse abilities who find it difficult to maintain social emotional balance, extreme behaviours, and academic difficulties in the typical public school system.
The program works in conjunction with Heritage Online Christian School (HCOS), Anchor Academy, and Self Design, which are accredited school alternatives. "[Website]
Services Offered:
Behavior Consultant|
Behavior Interventionist|
Cognitive Behavior Therapist|
Play Therapist|
Recreation for Children|
Social Skills Trainer Subjects:
Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA)|
Autism Spectrum Disorders Age Range:
School Age (5-18)