Community Support and Advocacy
British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society (BCANDS)
Community Agency
“Advancing the unique disability and health priorities of Indigenous persons through collaboration, consultation, and the delivery of comprehensive client services” [Website]
BCANDS provides a vast array of services to eligible individuals, families and organizations, both within Indigenous communities and urban and rural centres. If you are an Indigenous person living with a disability, or a community or organization requiring disability or health information and support services, BCANDS may be able to assist.
Services include assistance in completing Persons with Disability (PWD) and Monthly Nutritional Supplement (MNS) program applications; administration of the Support for Indigenous Student Learning Program (SISLP) which provides a laptop and other technology supports to assist with their continuing education; their Indigenous Employment Engagement Program, and acting as liaison between service agencies to ensure that Indigenous persons living with a disability can gain access to the supports and services they need.
Related Conditions|
Indigenous Age Range:
All Ages (0-100)