Educational, Social/Emotional & Recreation
Thompson Valley Kids
Service Provider
Giuliana Barros, B.Ed, M.Ed.
Thompson Valley Kids provides one-on-one and small group support for children and youth, fostering growth in the areas of academics, life skills, social skills, independence and self-regulation.
Thompson Valley Kids offers a holistic program of support that includes a complete academic program (K-12) through partnerships with distributed learning schools. Thompson Valley Kids also offer behaviour intervention, life skills training, social group for boys, social emotional program, sewing classes, a coding program, martial arts, Minecraft club, summer camps, and sports camps which include: kayaking, biking, and golfing. Thompson Valley Kids is devoted to the education, growth and development of children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), and other neurological and developmental disabilities.
Services Offered:
Behavior Interventionist|Recreation for Children|Social Skills Trainer
Age Range:
Pre-School Age (0-5) | School Age (5-18)