Music Therapy
Sol Music Therapy
Service Provider
Bachelor of Arts in Music Performance from The University of Alberta (2012)
Bachelor of Music Therapy from Capilano University (2016)
To provide music therapy for the purpose of communicative, cognitive, social, and physical growth for people living with Autism and other diverse needs.
Music therapy is structured as weekly one hour sessions for people of all ages and abilities. Services can be offered for children as young as newborn, and as old as seniors. Music Therapy is the intentional use of music by a trained music therapist to support the growth of non musical goals in individuals. Using music as a medium, the music therapist creates a safe, supportive space for expression and exploration.

音樂治療會安排每週一小時的療程,為各age段及能力的人士提供服務。服務對象由新生嬰兒至長者都涵蓋。音樂治療是受過專業訓練的音樂治療師, 刻意利用音樂去支援個人在非音樂方面的發展目標。音樂治療師會利用音樂作為媒介,創造一個安全及支持性的空間,讓個人進行表達和探索。
Services Offered:
Behavior Interventionist|Music Therapist|Play Therapist|Social Skills Trainer
English, Cantonese
Age Range:
All Ages (0-100)