Online & In-Home Tutoring
School is Easy Tutoring - Vancouver Island
Service Provider
Tutors are certified teachers who have attained specialty credentials in special needs and behavioural assistance.
"Get one-on-one tutoring with a lesson plan designed just for your child. We help kids enjoy school AND succeed — our professional tutors on Vancouver Island make learning fun and practical!" [Website]
School is Easy Tutoring Vancouver Island offers online and in-home tutoring services with a qualified tutor, accommodating a variety of learning styles and levels. Tutors have been interviewed, have clean criminal record checks and verified references, and follow strict code of ethics. It is required that another adult be present during the tutoring session, as agreed to in our Client Enrollment Agreement.
Online tutors work through Zoom, Google Hangouts, Skype, Facetime, or any platform the student, parents and tutor agree on. School is Easy Tutoring also offers parents and students an App for use on phone or tablet; get immediate help from a subject matter expert on our site that has audio and an integrated whiteboard. There is no video component to the App. Sign up by contacting School is Easy Tutoring Vancouver Island
English, French
Age Range:
School Age (5-18)