Elementary-Aged & Teen Social Groups
Spark It! Social Communications Inc.
Service Provider
Board Certified Behavior Analyst (1-13-14068)
To provide social communication groups and relationship coaching for kids, teens & adults with ASD, ADHD and/or social quirks. Spark It! focuses on providing skills and practice for improving people's social quality of life to fits their needs & unique social world.
Spark It! offers groups for elementary-aged kids and teenagers that run weekly from October to June that focus on group and individual specific social skills goals. Each lesson is tailored to the group members using some parts of the Social Thinking vocabulary and other social skills supports, allowing for more individualized and interactive support than using premade lesson plans. These year long groups offer a great way to maintain consistent therapy and to target social difficulties as they arise, while improving overall social skills.
Services Offered:
Social Skills Trainer
Therapies|Social Engagement
Age Range:
All Ages (0-100)