The VITAL Program
Vector Rehabilitation Services
Service Provider
"A functional Occupational Therapy led team focused on practical life skills. We use a combination of a neuro developmental approach with real life skills development to achieve maximum independence. We believe that an approach that works in conjunction with the family and other team members best supports our clients." [Website]
"The Vocational Independence and Transition to Adult Life (VITAL) program is based on an integrative approach and helps older children with ASD gain access to vocational assessment, employment skills intervention, work experience and life skills training. Our approach involves facilitating real-world work experience while still providing a supportive, therapeutic environment. We believe that this allows for early identification of potential issues in the workplace and aids in successful transition into adult life." [Website]

Vector Rehabilitation Services also privdes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).
Services Offered:
Occupational Therapist|Social Skills Trainer