Infinite Employment Solutions (IES)
AiMHi Prince George Association for Community Living
Postsecondary Training & Employment
'Infinite Employment Solutions (IES) is a program that supports people to find meaningful employment within the Prince George community. IES matches job seeker’s skills, abilities, and capabilities to the employment needs of local businesses. We support people to find work by using Career Planning Processes, Person Centered Employment Plans, Informational Interviews, Resume and Cover Letter development, and on-the job supports and job club opportunities.' (Website)

IES also has paid community contracts to provide people with temporary employment until community employment is established. Referrals can be made externally through Community Living British Columbia, or internally from other departments within AiMHi.

AiMHi also offers life skills and on-site paid work programs for adults with developmental disabilities.

Please visit their website to learn more about the programs and services they provide.