GABA Autism Preschool and Kindergarten
Service Provider
We are a Vancouver centre based program providing ABA and VB based intensive early intervention for pre-School and Kindergarten children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or other complex developmental disabilities.
"Group ABA Children's society provides intensive individual intervention in a centre based program for 3-6 year olds with Autism Spectrum Disorder or other complex learning disorders. We offer a combination of group and individual intervention. Our curriculum encompasses a broad range of educational, language, behavioural, social, and functional life skills." [Homepage]

GABA serves as the location head office for Fawkes Academy Distributed Learning program.
Services Offered:
Behavior Consultant|Behavior Interventionist|Cognitive Behavior Therapist|Play Therapist|Preschool|Social Skills Trainer|Speech Therapist
Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA)|Education