Girls Group - Social Group for Tween Girls
Gabrielle Stigant
Service Provider
This specialized group for girls ages 8-13 is specifically designed to encourage skills in developing and maintaining friendships; while acquiring and generalizing specific abilities and strategies. The fundamentals of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) are applied and individualized to meet the needs of each participant.
Skills include: group conversation, group work (organizing & taking on roles), executive functioning skills such as planning and following through on the plan!, perspective taking, and problem solving.
Our goal is to create a safe and inclusive space to allow group participants to communicate and learn in positive and meaningful manner. Possible topics will address: friendships, do’s & don’ts of texting, healthy lifestyle, appropriate attire, puberty…. And much more! Topics often develop organically to include significant issues of the participants and as requested by caregivers.
Location of groups: New Westminster & Cloverdale (Surrey).
Groups run on a semester system meeting every 2 weeks on Tuesdays (NW) & Thursdays (Cloverdale).
An assessment prior to enrolment (no charge) is required to ensure goodness of fit, so all participants benefit.
Services Offered:
Behavior Consultant|
Behavior Interventionist|
Social Skills Trainer Subjects:
Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA)|
Social Skills Age Range:
School Age (5-18)