Registered Psychologist
Dr. Suzanne Jacobsen
Service Provider
Registered Psychologist
Board Certified Behavior Analyst
"Dr. Suzanne Jacobsen is committed to supporting families by providing services to address their unique needs. Her education, training and work experience have prepared her to assist in addressing a wide range of learning and behavioral challenges and to assist parents in understanding and supporting their children with autism and other complex developmental disabilities." [Website]
Dr. Suzanne Jacobsen, B.Sc., M.A., Ed.D., is a Registered Psychologist, Behavior Analyst and Certified Teacher. She is the Founder and Executive Director of ABA Learning Centre in Richmond, BC (

Dr. Jacobsen's services include:
- Psychological Assessment and Diagnosis of complex developmental disabilities including: autism spectrum disorders, learning disabilities/differences, intellectual disabilities and other complex developmental disorders (such as Developmental Coordination Disorder or Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder).
- Educational Assessment focused on academic skills and the development of recommendations for remedial and adaptive interventions for children, youth and young adults entering post-secondary training or education settings.
- Behavior consultation, including comprehensive assessment to assist in the development of an appropriate intensive intervention program; objective monitoring the child’s progress; providing advice/recommendations for program modifications; and, assisting with transitions to schooling.
Services Offered:
Behavior Consultant|Diagnosis|Social Skills Trainer
Autistic Adults|Diagnosis & Assessment|Mental Health
Age Range:
All Ages (0-100)